Friday, July 10, 2009

Produce the Note + Lawyers = Fraud in CA

Distressed home owners are being advised of a new way to stop foreclosure on their homes, and it's not the silver bullet that it claims to be. The newest urban legend in real estate is a version of the "Produce the Note" strategy. The theory is that your mortgage has been resold 3 times to different banks, and the bank that now holds your mortgage probably can't find the official documents that show you owe money - the "Note". If the bank can't produce the Note, they can't legally make you pay your mortgage payments or foreclose on you (this doesn't have any credibility in non-judicial foreclosure states, and little evidence of long-term value in other states).

Attorneys, unfortunately, are some of those people propagating a scam based on this strategy. California has begun prosecuting attorneys who charge distressed homeowners thousands of dollars up-front, thousands in ongoing monthly fees, and never get any results. They file a simple lawsuit and never follow up. Why? Because there is no evidence that any of their clients actually get help. The vast majority end up being foreclosed upon anyway.

Mortgage Fraud Report

Seattle Foreclosures

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